Comprehensive Investment Management

Comprehensive Investment Management Solutions

Thank you for your interest in Beshoar Financial Services.  Our managed account plans are designed to help make your investment portfolio work harder toward achieving your goals.  We are committed to providing exceptional investment management for our client.  Our approach to management of your investment portfolio includes the following:

>  A personalized investment strategy. 

>    Objectivity - We will provide insight from the outside to help you avoid making emotional decisions about important money matters.

>   Active management of your investment portfolio, including changing asset allocations and investment directions as appropriate.  We will regularly re- evaluate your portfolio and make changes as your personal goals, risk tolerance and market conditions warrant. That being said, we do not believe in market timing.

>   Detailed, easy-to-read quartely statements showing your asset allocation and account balances.

>   Personal assistance on any questions regarding your portfolio, your investment strategy, or your personal financial situation.

>   A comprehensive Retirement Income Analysis, employer buyout analysis, and other financial planning assistance as desired.

>   Tax harvesting where appropriate.

For more information concerning management of your account, please call us at (509) 570-6291.

One of the benefits of working with us is our ability to provide clear, easily understood explanations of financial products and investment management practices.


We're looking forward to using our expertise to help you pursue your financial goals.